It’s Our Nature to Preserve.
What makes Washougal Waterfront Park and Trail
the first Salmon-Safe certification on the Columbia River?
This site was home to Hambleton Bros. Lumber Co., which operated here for decades. As part of the mill’s operations, the riverbank was reshaped with fill and riprap. Prior to development, the site was a Cottonwood Forest and Riverine Wetland along the Columbia River, providing important habitat for migrating native salmon and other wildlife.
- Clean up after your pet
- Repair your car when it has an oil leak
- Use environmentally safe fertilizers in your yard
- Use native plants in landscaping
- Think twice before using pesticides
- Wash your car in a commercial car wash or on lawn

Many native trees and shrubs are being planted and the Port is assessing opportunities for additional shoreline restoration over time, including removal of the old fishing dock pilings.

Stormwater is managed and treated on-site, including runoff from the parking area through large rain gardens, preventing runoff of polluted stormwater to the river.

Site cleanup included removal of existing pavement, filling the lumber mill pond and capping contaminated sediments from prior milling operations.

Irrigation water use is minimized through conservation practices, particularly in times of drought. The park is maintained with minimal inputs to conserve resources and protect water quality.