It’s our nature to grow.
Each year the Port Commission adopts a capital improvement budget that supports the Port of Camas-Washougal’s mission to drive economic development, create jobs, promote commerce and provide recreational opportunities. These capital improvements include a wide range of projects, to include wetland mitigation and restoration, building construction, and continuing management of all port owned properties and facilities.

Marina Park Loop Asphalt
Karvonen Sand & Gravel Inc. was awarded the contract to replace the existing roadway surface. The construction will start in May 2024.

Administrative Building Solar Power Battery Backup
Solar power with a battery backup funded by a grant from the Department of Commerce will be installed at the administrative building. An installation company will be selected in the Spring of 2024.

Waterfront Soil Removal
A contractor will be hired during the summer of 2024 to remove and properly dispose of contaminated soil that was capped under a consent decree with Ecology when the property was known as the Hambleton Bros Lumber Yard. Removal of the contamination will make way for future waterfront development by the developer Rkm.

Grove Field Solar Battery Backup
Solar power with a battery backup funded by a grant from the Department of Commerce will be installed at Grove Field. An installation company will be selected in the Spring of 2024.
Industrial Park

Building 4 & 5 Improvements
Windows will be replaced at Buildings 4 & 5. The exterior of Building 5 will be sealed and painted. A new Port sign will also be installed. Contractor to be determined.

SE 41st Street
Mackay Sposito was awarded the engineering services contract to design SE 41 Street which will add a connection between Lincoln and Grant Streets. Construction is expected to begin during the summer 2025