It’s our nature to grow.
Each year the Port Commission adopts a capital improvement budget that supports the Port of Camas-Washougal’s mission to drive economic development, create jobs, promote commerce and provide recreational opportunities. These capital improvements include a wide range of projects, to include wetland mitigation and restoration, building construction, and continuing management of all port owned properties and facilities.

Marina Fuel Dock Dispensers
Two new pumps with fuel dispensers will be installed at the Marina fuel dock in Spring-Summer.

Marina Park Lighting
Marina Park lights will be replaced with energy-efficient LED fixtures by Summer 2025.

Port Sign Upgrade
The Port sign at South Marina Way and South 1st Street will be updated. The Port is currently selecting a consultant to develop a vision for the Port entryway.

Public EV Charging Site
Sarkinen Plumbing has been awarded the contract to install an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at Grove Field. The project is expected to be complete by Summer 2025.

Grove Field Entrance Slurry Seal
The gated entrance into Grove Field will be slurry sealed in Summer 2025. Contractor to be determined.
Industrial Park

Buildings 6, 9 & 17 Parking Lots
Parking lot improvements will include slurry sealing the parking lots at Buildings 6, 9 and 17. Contractor to be determined. Work to occur during Summer 2025.

SE 41st Street
Mackay Sposito was awarded the engineering services contract to design SE 41st Street which will add a connection between Lincoln and Grant Streets. Construction is expected to begin during the summer 2026.

35th Street Pavement Rehabilitation
Mackay Sposito was contracted to provide engineering services to assess the condition of the existing pavements and recommend improvements on S 35th Street. Engineering design plans, specifications and cost estimates are being finalized for the rehabilitation project. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2025. Contractor to be determined.