It’s our nature to serve.
The Port of Camas-Washougal, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, was established in 1935 to create a favorable climate for economic development in the Camas-Washougal area. The policy board for the Port is made up of three commissioners who are elected to 4-year terms by the voters residing within the Port district. The Commission is the Port district’s governing body responsible for setting policy and enforcing established policies. The Commission may exercise only the powers that are delegated to them by law or pursuant to law.

John Spencer, District 1
Term: 2022-2025 | Email John
John Spencer has served as Commissioner since 2015. His main goals as a Port Commissioner for the Port of Camas-Washougal include: strengthening partnerships among all East County agencies to benefit the community, developing all areas of the Port to support business and job growth, expanding the marina and the airport, and obtaining new land for development. Citizen input is critical to his decision making. His role as a city administrator and a consultant in the field help to fulfill his commitment to create good job opportunities and enduring public facilities.

Cassi Marshall, District 2
Term: 2024-2027 | Email Cassi
Cassi Marshall was elected to the Commission in 2019. She grew up here in Clark County, earned an Aero/Astro Engineering degree from MIT, and worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Washougal School District. She and her husband, Rick, work together on small residential infill development projects, with a focus on energy-efficiency and walkability. They have two grown children and enjoy hiking and family backpacking trips.
Cassi has a huge appreciation for the work of the Port, especially related to the creation of well-paying, local jobs. Her priority as a commissioner is to promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability to ensure that our valuable public assets continue to contribute to our community’s quality of life, now and for generations to come. She is also focused on building and strengthening collaborative public and private partnerships to expand opportunities in both Camas and Washougal. Cassi is a strong believer in the power of civic involvement. As a long-time Camas Parks Commissioner, she values the Port’s parks, trails, and recreational contributions greatly. She currently serves on the non-profit boards of the Camas-Washougal Community Chest and Camas Parks Foundation, coordinates the Camas Ivy League invasive species removal efforts, and is a member of the Rotary Club of Camas-Washougal.

Larry Keister, District 3
Term: 2022-2025 | Email Larry
Larry Keister was elected as a Port of Camas-Washougal Commissioner representing District 3 for the term 2017-2021. He has been an active member in the community promoting tourism and member of the Art and History Commission, which provided direction to the city for development of the Washougal Waterfront Park and trail. His goals are to see the Steigerwald Commerce Center built out in the next three to five years, to provide additional jobs for the community and make the waterfront an iconic destination for future generations.
Camas-Washougal District Map
Port Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvement And Strategic Plan
Commission Information
When: 1st Wednesdays
Where: Zoom / Port Conference Room
Open Session: 12 p.m.
Executive Session: 11:00 a.m.
When: 3rd Wednesdays
Where: Zoom / Port Conference Room
Open Session: 12:00 p.m.
Executive Session: 11:00 a.m.
Commission meetings are governed by the Open Meetings Act (RCW 42.30).
Special Meetings may be held with 24-hour notice.
The Public is invited and encouraged to attend Port meetings. There is an opportunity at each meeting for public comment. See the Commission Calendar for more meeting information and Zoom meeting links.
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